The Adopted ROM of-

I was out one day, Going to GameStop in pure Boredom to meet up with a never opened door. Three People crying infront of it. I blink and nevermore, They're gone. This place was recently built so It was a new experience, I see weird stuff like this all the time.
I walk in to an Old Man with the Card Titled, "Stick Manager, Doney." Doney was maybe 76 but was distracted with little burnt Sticks for the oddest Reasons. I had never seen one of these Games on the Racks and I checked to see if Anyone of them actually are real. None of them are. One appeared to catch my Eye, ''The Adopted ROM (Finale Peenus)'' The name stuck out, literally almost.
The Man waved me out, rushing me to take the Small Disk. Didn't pay anything for Finale Peenus. I look at the imagery which shows a small Puppy opened, He obviously didn't want me to call the Cops on him for showing me such Vulgar imagery. I continue to go home and try out my new Game. I slide it into the X-Box360 where I see a Logo Appear in thick Grey Tones. "''Finale Peenus''" The game shows a Young Boy, Maybe 7 hold a knife arm distance out. I assumed this had to be some kind of FPS Game. To my Surprise, It was a Halo type game but in my house. It was Freaky as sh*t how accurate it was. The Pictovision caused all things to appear as It's nude counterpart. If you looked down, Well... Let's Say you'll See the Finale Peenus. I see myself on the couch and I turn to see nothing. To my surprise, I am Nude as well.
I hold in my puke and continue to slash myself, Something hits my Head. I turn to see a cucumber wrapped in toilet paper. Curious to know why the F*ck that is there, I turn off the game. The Lights turn on and the Cucumber is gone. It was odd as F*ck. I went to return the Game, I return to a fresh new face and a variety of games, All I have seen and/or heard of. I ask to return the game to the Man behind the desk. "Sorr- Is some kind of Joke?" He kicks me out and breaks the disk. To this day I don't know what happened but I still can't find my Boxers.